100 million of men have the same problem and this is erectile dysfunction. The figure is huge. American Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine Dr Raymond Rosen who heads Human Sexuality Programme at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey is sure that this figure is going to double by 2025. Take into account also the partners of ED patients and the number of sufferers double at once. Isn't it the reason to study the problem thoroughly? When ED occurs this is always unexpected. When the enemy arises on the horizon weapon should be found to fight against one. Knowledge will become power in our case. We should learn as much as possible to be able to cope with it.
There are some things that are rather surprising. Erectile dysfunction affects male health considerably. It determines the quality of life, affect psychological condition of the person and affects physical abilities of the person – and yet this is one of the most underestimated conditions. Men perceive it as disorder that will not change anything with exception of intimacy. How they are mistaken to think so! Every specialist who follows the news and results of research will tell that ED is a symptom of some inner serious condition that hides inside and just waits for the moment to come out suddenly and undermine your health completely. However, one can stop it in the very beginning. Go to the doctor without delay as soon as ED is diagnosed. Save yourself from future serious diseases. Impact on health of men is significant when person suffers from erectile dysfunction. There are many strange things around this disease. All talk about it but the number of men who treat it is minimal. The statistics assert that 90% of all ED patients do not visit doctors. For this reason, this is one of the most undertreated diseases. Even wide coverage in mass media does not help. Men still continue avoid doctors.
As it was said already, erectile dysfunction points to some hidden disease, and most probably this is a cardiovascular disease. Many experts consider erectile dysfunction a device for measuring cardiovascular health.
This is interesting to know but men do not share the problem of erectile dysfunction with their doctors because they wanted to avoid doctor's embarrassment. At least 68% of respondents said that. 76% of men with ED didn't apply for medical assistance because they thought that there will be no appropriate treatment for them.
Can ED drugs bring to lethal outcome? It is possible when not used wisely. If you use PDE5 inhibitor with some popper then the chances of serious problems increase. Never take ecstasy with Viagra, Levitra or other similar medication. The level of blood pressure can drop greatly and this can cause death.
Sometimes men do not know what erection is and look for erectile dysfunction in one little failure. Though a healthy person should be able to have from 3 to 5 erections per night inability to make the same does not make you impotent. However, even person with erection can't often please darling because of erection quality. When man is not able to sustain erection to the point of orgasm this can't be called a good performance and should be treated medically.