"Kiss" hormone is effective for erectile dysfunction and depression

Stress and anxiety inevitably lead to failures in different body systems and may cause sexual inactivity. The scientists from the medical department at University College London conducted a study and found a unique hormone. It helps to manage psychosexual disorders. You can read more about the experiment here.

This hormone was named “kisspeptin” or “kiss protein”. It is also known as metastin, a hormone improving the activity of certain areas in the brain responsible for sexual arousal. A mild and medium forms on the ED can be treated by a generic Sildenafil.

Methods to treat erectile dysfunction

Problems in sex life typically occur as a result of anxiety, depression, violence, stress, negative perception of one’s own body. Men with psychoemotional disorders have problems with maintaining erection and women are not able to reach the orgasm.

One of the most effective medical drugs for sexual disorders in men and women is Sildenafil. It is used for erection problems and for improving the natural response to sexual arousal. The active ingredient is Sildenafil citrate that enhances vasodilatation. This active ingredient can affect cytochrome selective inhibitors increasing arousal. Sildenafil is also used for labored breathing and respiratory disturbance. It can also temporally lower high blood pressure. Sildenafil does not affect psychomotor reactions. It is likely that “kiss” hormone will replace Sildenafil and other methods of treatment.

How Kisspeptin Affects the Emotional State

The leading author of the study is Waljit Dhillo. He says that psychosexual disorders often occur in families that have faced a diagnosis of infertility and worry all the time about it.

Many studies are based on the biological state of the body ignoring the role of emotions that can also greatly affect conception. These factors are not studied well enough.

The results of the studies show that kisspeptin is effective in treating psychosexual disorders. This hormone is produced in hypothalamus and generates luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones.

29 healthy people took part in the experiment. It was a two-stage experiment. Young people were injected kisspeptin or placebo. After that MRI was performed to control brain activity while the participants were watching sexual, non-sexual and frightening images.

A “kiss” protein activated certain areas in the brain responsible for sexual arousal. In the group that received the hormone, brain activity was registered in the areas responsible for sexual arousal. This reaction was absent in the placebo group.

These results are revolutionary for managing psychosexual disorders.

How Kisspeptin Affects Our Mood

Scientists say that kisspeptin may be used for depression. When men were watching frightening images, hormone injection helped to activate the brain areas responsible for negative emotions control.

The studies also found that an enhanced brain function does not only increase sexual vigor but also improves mood. It means that this hormone may be used to treat depression that triggers sexual disorders. Further studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis.